Scams, Scams, and More Scams

Road sign with Senior Scam on it as a warning.

Everyone is a target of a scammer. Everyone, especially seniors, are potentially a victim of a scam artist. Scammers come up with very creative and convincing ways to get you give them your money, your house, your lifesavings. They work hard to make things seem legitimate when in fact, it’s fraud. With so many types…

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Care Coordination Delivers Better Outcomes for Seniors

The overwhelm is real. The doctor appointments. The insurance company phone calls. The medications. Showering. Cooking. Laundry. The transportation needs. The paperwork for all the specialists. The coordination can feel defeating for an elder or their caregiver. Finding the right help can be challenging. Part A, Part B, Part D or a Medicare Advantage Plan?…

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Reducing Colder Weather Risks for Older Adults

It's cold in the house in winter. A senior person freezing, fever or trouble with heating. Sad person in wool plaid and scarf and wearing warm hat sitting on sofa at home in wintertime.

As we experience winter temperatures, the risk of cold weather affecting older adults is high. The more frail or mildly confused someone is, the greater the risk of hypothermia or becoming too cold. As one ages, the recognition of being too chilly or freezing becomes more difficult to detect and could possibly lead to hospitalization…

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Tri Valley “Breaks Ground”

PACE Tri Valley Ground Breaking Ceremony

On Friday, June 30, senior leadership, members of CEI Board and Foundation along with two local elected officials celebrated the start of construction for the new Tri Valley campus. This location will serve many seniors living in San Ramon, Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton areas and is located at 2441 Constitution Drive, Livermore. The leased building…

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Two New PACE Centers Coming!

Two PACE Centers Coming

California is predicted to have one of the fastest growing senior populations with over three times the national rate for people over age 60. Many of these seniors call Alameda and Contra Costa Counties home. We also know that there are many seniors currently living in these two counties that need easier access to PACE…

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